A property known as "Chain Building" was built in the early XX century. In 1920 it belonged to the merchant Haji Mammmadhusseyn Mammadov. In 1928 the property was bought by well-known merchants, the Melikovs brothers. In 1930 the Baku City Customs Office confiscated the property for smuggling and transferred it to the state. Since 1930 the clothing works named after N. Narimanov has been accommodated in the building. As it was a clothing factory, alterations were made to the façade, some architectural elements were removed. The last owners of the property were the Melikov brothers that is why it is known as the Melikovs' property. The façade of the building is opposite the Qosha Qala Gates and divides the main entrance square of the Icherisheher, on the left and on the right, into Boyuk Qala and Qulle streets. Due to its architectural manner and artistic-aesthetic image the Chain Building takes a special place among historic monuments built in the Icherisheher in the early XX century. Today the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Archaeology and Ethnography Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science is located in the building.