On May 27, 2014 in the house-museum of Tahir Salahov in Icheri Sheher, scientific-practical conference was held dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the foundation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The following topics were addressed to the conference participants:

  • The period of Republic in the national-cultural building of Azerbaijan;
  • The first state based on democratic principles in the Eastern world;
  • The role of M. Rasulzadeh in the process of national democratic state building and in the Azerbaijani parliament;
  • Azerbaijan Democratic Republic at the emperor's table of great powers;
  • The Parliament and the issue of refugees (based on protocols of meetings held on January 05-08, 1920);
  • Some issues regarding the 23rd month of ADR's eternal independence and cultural construction;
  • ADR-Armenia relations, Fatali Khan Khoyski as one of the leaders of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic;
  • About the main directions of literary idea during the ADR;
  • The threats aimed at the independence of Azerbaijan and Mandate System;
  • The Political Situation in the South Caucasus and the establishment of Independent States in the Region after the February Revolution of 1917.

These topics were brought to the attention of the participants as a subject of scientific research from a new perspective. As a result of scientific research articles and theses have been published in the form of books.